Friday, September 9, 2011

Self-Stitched-September Item 1

As you remember, I have pledged to make (and wear) 6 new items for Self-Stitched-September this year. To give myself a bit of focus to do this, I have decided to use challenges set by the awesome Mena at Sew Weekly. I'm going to be doing a bit of picking and choosing, and although I want to get caught up with the challenges, I may not actually achieve that. And to get caught up, I may cheat and use things I have already sewn (although, I won't be counting them towards SSS '11).


The first thing I planned to make was a skirt inspired by the Piped Sailor Skirt from Anthropologie. It's been pinned to my pinterest style board for a while now. I love the contrast of the dark piping lines and warm skirt colour. The buttons add just that little bit of 'pop.'

I used the free Kasia pattern from BurdaStyle with some thrifted red corduroy, and black piping.

Extending the straight line down from the pockets, I added a line of piping. I also got rid of the pockets (I tend not to use pockets) and, the front bib, instead putting in a centre back zip. I had to resize the gathered front panel after getting rid of the pockets, and resized the yokes, so that the piping would line up properly.

I have, up until this point, tended to steer clear of high waisted skirts. The simple reason for this is that there are generally 4 sizes between my waist measurement and my hip measurement. For this pattern, my waist was a 36 and my hips were a 40. I decided not to do a muslin (really not sure why) and to just cur a straight size 40. Which, no surprises, was miles too big for me around the waistband. But the hips fit really well. So, I took a bit in from the side seams, and a bit in from the back seam. Most of the excess was taken in from the centre back seam, as the gathers on the hip accentuate the hips a bit, and I really didn't want to accentuate them any more. 




I even managed to get the piping to line up on the zip!
I really ummed and aahed about which challenge this should fit into. Should it be Rule, Britannia? Or Ahoy, Matey!? The piping gives it a nautical feel, but the red makes it feel more British... Part of my conundrum was that I don't like most of the 'sailor shirt' styles. I can do stripes, but those collars just put me off. I'm trying not to buy anything new, and I know that I don't have any striped knits in my stash, so that ruled making a striped T-Shirt to go with the skirt. Then I saw this.

Just enough of a stripe and detailing to make it feel nautical, but not so much that it has the costume-y collar look. So, that became my inspiration for the top. Although I usually go for a more fitted style, the high waist of the Kasia really lends itself to a less fitted style that gets tucked in. 

Using the free 1 piece Kimono Tee pattern, I redrafted the neckline and added a seam below the bustline to allow for the navy stripe. I also shortened it about 10cm. I made a plain version of this up (which I'm planning on counting towards another Sew Weekly challenge), and it came down to my hips. Which is fine, but leaves just a bit too much excess fabric to have ride up during the day when it's tucked into the high waisted skirt. Less length is less to ride up, and it's still long enough for me to tuck in.  I'm really happy with how this turned out, even if I did manage to (completely by accident) draft the line straight across my nipple line. Oh well. And, I'm really please with the look of the crepe scraps with the solid knit.


The Facts
Fabric: Thrifted Red Corduroy from stash; White Cotton knit from stash; Navy crepe fabric scraps

Pattern: Kasia pattern Free; 1 piece Kimono Tee Free
Year: 2011
Notions: invizible zipper $2.00; piping cord from stash; thrifted buttons $0.50
Time to complete: Kimono Tee: 1 1/2 hours, including redrafting neckline.
First worn: September 2011

Wear again? Yes! It's a super comfy outfit.
Total Cost: ~$ 2.50




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